I understand that Goshin Karate UK requires members to pay a one off joining fee, and training fees are to be paid either per class or by a monthly rolling contract. Members may cancel this monthly contract at any time, however a 30 days notice must be given in writing to a member of staff. Once cancelled, you may have to pay an admin fee if you wish to return.
I understand that my training fees that are to be paid by direct debit or standing order will be paid from the time of signing up. Any pre-paid training cards are only valid for 1 year from date of purchase.
I understand that my training insurance needs to be renewed annually from the time of signing up.
I understand that any stock, belt, or promotion fee is payable at the time of order.
Bullying is not tolerated in or out of the dojo. Members using their karate skills for bullying/harm on others will not be allowed to return.
Shoes are never to be worn on the dojo mats.
Never leave the mats or the dojo without receiving permission from the instructor.
No food or drink are allowed on the mat.
Only water or suitable energy drinks are permitted in class.
Bags are to be stored in the storage area provided in the dojo.
Conduct yourself in a respectful manner, always show respect towards the Sensei.
Report all injuries to the Sensei immediately. When arriving at class with an injury, the Sensei must be notified prior to the start of class.
Members are to keep their Gi's clean and in good repair.
Finger and toenails are to be kept clean and trimmed to a reasonable length to prevent injuries to training partners.
Please clean your feet and wipe your feet on the dedicated red flooring.
No jewellery may be worn during class unless specifically approved by the Sensei.
Watches or health monitors may be worn during class, but must be specifically approved by the Sensei.
Members without uniforms should not have anything in their pockets.
Spills are to be cleaned immediately. Rubbish should be placed in the proper container.
Please park in the dedicated parking spaces or visitor spaces only.
Never come to class under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
I understand that occasionally, photos and videos from training may be used in promotional material for the club. I agree to allow my image or my child's image to be used for this purpose and that I will not be compensated. I also understand that once a promotional item has been produced, it is not possible to remove my image or my child's image from the production.
I understand that the club will never share my contact information for commercial purposes. I may, however, be contacted by the club managers about club announcements and information relevant to club membership.
I recognise and understand that martial arts training is a physical contact activity and that my participation might result in serious injury, including permanent disability or death, and severe social and economic loss.
I recognise and understand that such risk may be due to not only my own actions, but also the action, inaction or negligence of others.
I recognise that there may be other risks that are not known to me or to others or not reasonably foreseeable at this time.
I agree to inspect the facilities and equipment prior to participation. I will immediately inform the Sensei if I believe that anything is unsafe or beyond my capability and unable to participate.
I assume all of the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for any damages that may result from injury, permanent disability or death.
Entering martial arts training and/or competition is entirely of my own free will and I understand the importance of following the rules of training and competition.
I certify that I am in good physical condition, and have no disease, injury or other condition that would impair my performance or physical and mental well-being during training practice and/or competition. If I have any injuries or illnesses that could affect my ability to participate, I will notify the Sensei and Welfare Officer, and discuss the appropriateness of martial arts training with my or my child's doctor.
I grant permission in case of injury to have a doctor, nurse, Sensei or other emergency medical personnel provide me or my child with medical assistance or treatment for such injury. Any cost of treatment or hospitalisation arising from injury during training shall not under any circumstance be paid by Goshin Karate UK, its affiliated organizations and governing bodies, their officers, instructors and personnel, other members of the organisations, participants or supervisors.
I release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Goshin Karate UK, its affiliated organisations and governing bodies, their officers, instructors and personnel, other members of the organisations, participants or supervisors, and if applicable, owners and leasers of the premises from any and all liability to the undersigned, his or her heirs and next of kin for any and all claims, demands, losses and damages which may be sustained and suffered on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releases or otherwise.
I understand that Goshin Karate UK is not liable for any damage, loss of theft to personal property or vehicles.